Globally renown electronic trio The Glitch Mob teamed up with TheWaveVR and Strangeloop Studios to create a totally new kind of album experience for their critically acclaimed record See Without Eyes. Available internationally on the Oculus Rift and Steam, this wave takes groups of users on an odyssey of shifting dreamscapes choreographed to a 20-minute custom mix of the album. Part film, part concert and part art installation, See Without Eyes explores themes fundamental to immersive technology, such as the relationship between isolation and social interaction in the digital world.


Duration: March - April 2018

Role: Digital artist

Tools: Unity (built-in renderer), Houdini


  • Multiplayer VR-only experience in TheWaveVR

  • Collaborative interactions in-game (players can paint reaction diffusion patterns and particle trails with each other)

  • Flying and on-rails movement



Before I joined Wave as a full-time employee, I contracted with them to work on this amazing VR project in collaboration with The Glitch Mob and Strangeloop Studios. Working alongside Aaron Lemke and Nick Shelton we took what was originally a full album length video and turned it into an interactive real-time VR experience, staying true to the visual style while also creating our own creative additions to the piece. Between the 3 of us there was a lot of shader writing, FX work, asset wrangling, scripting, texturing and cinematic timeline design.
