
I’ve always been fascinated with synthesis, even before I knew what computer graphics were. There is something I just find so intriguing and satisfying about sound and programming sound.

I’ve created a variety of different types of synthesis programs using Unity and C#, these are two of them.


The first one is an FM synthesizer and piano roll I created in the HoloLens during my time working at Microsoft. It’s polyphonic, and the piano roll has a sense of note duration. Making this was a great teaching experience in building a more complex piece of software. Up until then I was prototyping a lot of things in HoloLens using Unity and C#, but never something has complicated as a polyphonic synthesizer.

The second one is a wave table synthesizer I created in Unity. This one I plan to eventually add more features to and use it in art projects. One thing I always wanted to try was using a video file as a source of the wave table. Definitely made some interesting sounds, but needs more work and exploration if it’s going to be more useful than just a novelty.

Interface for FM synthesizer in Unity

Interface for FM synthesizer in Unity

Snapshot of the piano roll in action

Snapshot of the piano roll in action