Duration: May - July 2019

Role: Director + Lead Artist

Tools: Unity, Houdini, PS


  • Interactive live stream (users can see text affect the visuals of the show)

  • Live motion capture and performance (XSens)

  • Synchronised visuals for a live VR audience inside TheWaveVR app

  • Directed the show, made majority of content and also performed the visuals live with REZZ using MIDI controller



The first virtual concert I worked on at Wave that used live streaming broadcast technology!

About a year or so after I joined Wave. the company shifted from focusing only on VR concerts to including an interactive live broadcast component to all shows. Imagine watching a virtual concert on Twitch or YouTube and seeing that the messages you type can affect the game. REZZ was the second concert we did in this style. Collaborating with REZZ’s VJ and Strangeloop studios, I helped design and build the majority of content in this show. The above video is a more stylized version of the live performance (edit done by Strangeloop Studios), but everything recorded in there happened live including the motion capture of REZZ performing!